An Evening with Marulić

An Evening with Marulić

Participating: Department of Croatian Language and Literature (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split), UMAS, CNT Split.

Participating: Department of Croatian Language and Literature (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split), UMAS, CNT Split.

An Evening with Marulić

An Evening with Marulić

As part of the Marulić Days, a scientific-literary evening dedicated to the father of Croatian literature – Marko Marulić, will be held. To avoid uniformity and the traditional ex cathedra lecture concept and to attract a younger audience, the evening will be organized in a café/bar/library on Papalićeva Street, which is presumed to be the birthplace of the great poet. This popular scientific event is designed in the form of moderated short presentations by professors from the Department of Croatian Language and Literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split. It will focus on Marulić's seminal works and little-known epigrams with a mocking theme. The topic will be approached from linguistic, literary-theoretical, and didactic perspectives. The program will also be enriched by students from UMAS and actors from CNT Split, who will read excerpts from the works and epigrams. Given the open nature of the presentations, speakers, and moderators will encourage the public and viewers to engage in discussions aimed at acquainting the audience with lesser-known aspects of Marulić's creativity and various concepts of interpreting his works.