CNT Split Choir Concert

CNT Split Choir Concert

Sudamja 2024.

On the eve of the holiday of Saint Dujam, the HNK Split Choir will hold a free concert at Pjaca conducted by maestro Veton Marevci and accompanied by pianist Ivan Violić.

Cca. 35 minutes

Sudamja 2024.

On the eve of the holiday of Saint Dujam, the HNK Split Choir will hold a free concert at Pjaca conducted by maestro Veton Marevci and accompanied by pianist Ivan Violić.

CNT Split Choir Concert

CNT Split Choir Concert


F. Schubert: Gott ist mein Hirt, psalam 23

P. I. Čajkovski: Priroda i ljubav - soloist: Maja Andrijolić, Đina Vučković

J. Hatze: Pjesni ljuvene

G. Verdi: Va pensiero from the opera Nabucco

J. Gotovac: O zemljo naša, from the opera Mila Gojsalića

I. Tijardović: O kućo mala from the operetta Spli'ski akvarel

Choir conductor Veton Marevci
Piano Ivan Violić
  CNT Split Choir