Drama Based on Aristophanes, Homer, Predrag Lucić and Mate Matišić LysistRATa 10.07. 06.07. 08.07. LysistRATa
Drama Ivan Kovačić Laughter and Tears of Old Split 30.07. 27.07. 26.07. Laughter and Tears of Old Split
Concert Sonja Runje (contralto) and Edin Karamazov (lute and guitar) Made in Silence 16.07. Made in Silence
Concert Martina Filjak (piano) and Ante Jerkunica (bass) 13.08. Martina Filjak (piano) and Ante Jerkunica (bass)
Other Meet-up with actor and writer Trpimir Jurkić Journey of a Monologue or Counting the Cost 18.07. Journey of a Monologue or Counting the Cost
Other Storytelling session by Jelena Pervan Mrljek and Prljek in Search of Sour Ice Cream 25.07. Mrljek and Prljek in Search of Sour Ice Cream
Other Disku(r)sija - International Literary Conversations 03.08. 27.07. Disku(r)sija - International Literary Conversations